Posts Tagged ‘sweet affection’

Let me be

In In my mind on April 30, 2012 at 9:01 pm

For one moment

Let me be that little girl

In need of affection

Who you’ll hold on to,

Wishing to protect her and keep her warm

For one moment

Let me be that lady

Who makes your dreams a reality

And who you’ll treat as your queen.

For one moment

Just let me be

That one and only

And let me feel

Happy to be me

For one moment

One single moment

Let this be that time

Where your world also becomes mine.

For one moment

Let me just be

Let me just exist

In the wonder that

You’re there for me…

The Pleasure of Giving

In General thoughts, In my mind on February 5, 2012 at 2:40 pm

When you see life the way I do, that strong urge to give to others just to see their face radiate with joy, is inevitable.

How and why, these questions I can’t answer. It often occurs to me to wonder why I am so different, why does this need to reach for others’ happiness keep growing? I’ve given up finding the answer because in the end, giving to others is not a burden at all.

Maybe I always feel like we are all so engrossed in striving for our way through life that we easily forget the small pleasures we can derive from it. After all, what’s the use of living if you can’t smile, if you can’t love and if you can’t find any bright light shining on you?

Hence, that pleasure I derive in giving to others. It makes the world, even if it is not the whole of it, but the one around me, a happier and jollier one. I don’t do it for attention, I do it because it is a need I have to fulfill and get the satisfaction that my life didn’t go to waste. In life, we can achieve great materialistic heights but if we can’t make simple little things count, we would have spent an empty, meaningless life.

And this is also what gives me pleasure in giving away. It is the possibility to make one simple thing – a flower, a chocolate bar, a candle or anything so simple, even a smile – become the expression of sweet affection and love. It is giving the phrase,  “It’s the thought that counts“, it’s real meaning.

Actually writing this article isn’t meant to boast about me but again to share about it. Sometimes when you feel so different from others, the mind and heart seek to be heard and understood. This blog is a means to voice it out. No matter if no one reads or a few do. Putting in words what I feel and what I go through makes it a relief to have expressed what’s inside my head…